Ananda Yoga and Detox Center

Why business owners will love Ananda Detox – Review

What our business-owner clients are saying:

Sometimes running a sustainable business is overwhelming and we can easily let our health fall into last place on the inner priority list. 

My husband, Lutz, had been having trouble sleeping due to sleep apnea and neither of us had been getting sleep and well that led to heightened irritability and lack of focus. I wanted him to go to a doctor, but he decided he wanted to detox. Covid was a time when we all indulged in one thing or another. I wish we had indulged in sport 🙂 So anyway, Lutz found Ananda after some internet surfing, and he was gone the next week.

He did the 10-day detox, lost 8 kg, and came back with a sparkle in his eye. He is still making papaya salad from our trees in the garden weekly – something that he was inspired to do during his fasting solitude.

pool and new bar

I obviously wanted to lose 8 kilos too, so I booked myself in after our holiday that we had booked already to go surfing in Khao Lak.

Lutz was light and surfing every day like a teenager with his renewed levels of energy.

I did the 10-day detox and lost 3kg. Women have it so tough losing weight in menopause. I was disappointed for a few minutes and then I reminded myself about how I felt – and I felt absolutely great, like I could dance all night and my skin was shining and my eyes were now sparkling too!

Every morning I went for walks on the beach. This alone time of peace and reflection was valuable to me and kept me going.

I met this lovely lady and her dog picking up rubbish every morning – I asked if I could interview her for our blog at SuperBee – but she said she doesn’t want any public recognition for what she does – she just does it! In my clear state of mind from the detox, this small moment of connection and insight was invaluable and would have been lost on me in the weeks before.

One morning I saw the sun rising over the mountains and the full moon setting into the ocean on my other side – it was such a treat. It’s a really special location, the natural beauty enhances the experience.

During the detox, I never felt hungry, I always felt cared for. I had amazing dreams and experienced a deep cleansing that went beyond the physical.

After the detox, I felt clear and calm. My creativity flows better, work is more focused and productive. 

I highly recommend this! If you are an overwhelmed human, book your detox with Ananda!
~ Antoinette Jackson, Founder and Creative Director of SuperBee.

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