Fasting is the heart of the cleanse and the fastest most effective way of removing toxic materials from the body. While abstaining from food, our body is given ‘time-off’ from the heavy duty of digestion. Our gut spends a lot of energy digesting the food we consume. When we fast, the energy normally spent breaking down food can be re-directed to cleansing accumulated toxins, thus eliminating harmful impurities. Our restricted liquid fasting process include vegetable broth, fresh juice and coconut water. The increased consumption of liquids facilitates the natural cleansing and elimination processes of the body.
The initial days of the fast are usually the toughest, but this is also when the most waste floods the bloodstream and begins to flush out through the pores of your skin, mouth, urine and excrement.
Throughout the fast the body will hold on to essential vitamins and minerals while removing toxins, fat, mucus, diseased cells and old tissues. This process maximizes the efficiency of each cell by activating the body’s self healing mechanisms. Not only does fasting rejuvenate the body, but it refreshes the mind, clearing away stress and brain fog. During the fast you may experience heightened emotions as suppressed feelings surface, but with time you’ll slowly purify your mind of this mental clutter and by the end of your cleanse you’ll find your thoughts calm, clear and collected.